Partner | STACKIT is a founding member of the ALASCA association – the open source network for Germany and Europe
Bundle resources – use synergies. The newly founded association ALASCA positions itself as a united cloud and open source foundation for a joint (further) development of operational open source software. One focus is on building a strong community as well as raising public awareness of the importance of free, digital infrastructure – all under the umbrella of a company-independent organization and structure. To this end, STACKIT has joined forces with Cloud&Heat Technologies, Cyberus Technology, D3TN, dNation, secunet Security Networks as well as secustack. The goal is to sustainably strengthen digital sovereignty in Germany and Europe.
In order to come closer to the determined goal of helping Europe achieve Digital Sovereignty, concrete solutions tailored to practical problems are needed. The consistent use of open source software and technical know-how for IT infrastructures is one of the key levers here. It is based on a common will to develop and design, benefits the general public and, unlike proprietary software, is not subject to any user restrictions. With ALASCA (ALliAnce for Sovereign Cloud InfrAstructures), the seven founding companies are now announcing the establishment of the association, which is dedicated to the operability and (further) development of a wide variety of cloud projects based on said free software. Part of the guiding principles is also to fulfill a general-benefit mission to pass on the know-how developed in the association to achieve digital sovereignty. Examples such as Yaook (Yet another OpenStack on Kubernetes), a lifecycle management tool for OpenStack and SecuStack developed by STACKIT and Cloud&Heat, impressively show that there is a practical need and that associations such as ALASCA are imperative. With Yaook, an authoritative project is already located in the association, which is in line with the Foundation’s ambitious goals – further projects are to follow, thus steadily advancing Digital Sovereignty.
“At ALASCA, the focus is on collaborative cooperation “at eye level” across national and corporate borders. We combine the individual strengths and competencies of our members as well as external developers and thus create an innovative space for future-oriented open source networks and digital transformation,” says Stefan Herold, Managing Director Strategy & Business Management at STACKIT.
Would you like to learn more about ALASCA or become a member yourself? Then this way: https://alasca.cloud/