CLEVR: Siemens & Mendix partner for optimizing manufacturing and automation processes

CLEVR provides digital transformation at scale by implementing Siemens and Mendix solutions for industries such as manufacturing, retail, energy and more. We use PLM, MOM / MES and low-code technologies to optimize manufacturing and automate business processes and ensure seamless integration with other core systems such as SAP, IBM and Salesforce *

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*Please note: The content on this page comes from our partners. We do not assume any liability for the completeness, topicality or correctness of the data shown.

Expert knowledge and expertise

Find out more about the services and areas of expertise of our partner. The following tabs provide details on the general scope of the offer as well as the industry and product focus.

erfahrung icon
  • Automotive
  • Financial Services
  • Building industy
  • Business & Professional Services
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Industrial Goods & Manufacturing
  • IT & Telecommunications
  • Small & Medium Business
  • Machinery & plant engineering
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Insurance
  • Supply Chain & Logistics
  • Water supply & waste management
  • Colocation
  • Compute Engine
  • Database
  • Logging & Monitoring
  • Messaging
  • Network
  • Runtime
  • Storage

Range of services

Find out which products and services our partners offer. By expanding the headings, you get a detailed view of the offered service.

Application Development – Services

Services for designing and developing cloud-based applications

Cloud Migration – Services

Services for supporting and automating customer service through artificial intelligence

Data Analytics – Services

Services for autonomous or semi-autonomous data analytics

Data Analytics – Training

Training on methods for autonomous or semi-autonomous data analytics

Data Management – Services

Services for creating, updating and accessing data across various data levels. Saving data in multiple clouds and on-premises. Ensuring high availability and disaster recovery

Education – Services (Professional Development Path)

Range of training for staff with the aim of achieving expert status so they can act as a multiplier within their own organization

IoT – Services

Services and software that integrate data from various IoT devices

Machine Learning – Services

Services that systems can use to automatically learn from experiences (data) and improve themselves without being explicitly programmed

Cyber Security – Services

Services for securing and responding to criminal attacks on electronic systems

More information

Company insight

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Locations: Netherlands – Amersfoort, Germany – Sankt Ingbert & Hamburg, Norway – Oslo, Finland – Tampere
Partner since: 2024
Languages supported: German, English, Dutch, Norwegian and Finnish

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