Prices STACKIT Compute Engine GPU

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STACKIT Compute Engine GPU

The STACKIT Compute Engine GPU offers a large portfolio of GPUs for various use cases. Up to 8 GPUs can be used per virtual machine (VM) to get the desired performance. Through the integration into other STACKIT products, the GPUs can be easily scaled and booked effortlessly into existing environments.

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Price table STACKIT Compute Engine GPU

Filter Options
CPUmin: 14 max: 104
RAMmin: 50 max: 1728
Price Presentation
STACKIT Compute Engine GPUCPURAMBillingPrice
GPU Server-n1.14d.g1-EU0114115Hours2.65808333333 €1913.82 €
GPU Server-n1.28d.g2-EU0128230Hours5.31616666667 €3827.64 €
GPU Server-n1.56d.g4-EU0156460Hours16.33806944444 €11763.41 €
GPU Server-n2.14d.g1-EU011450Hours1.74290277778 €1254.89 €
GPU Server-n2.28d.g2-EU0128100Hours3.48580555556 €2509.78 €
GPU Server-n2.56d.g4-EU0156200Hours6.97161111111 €5019.56 €
GPU Server-n3.104d.g8-EU011041728Hours64.33080555556 €46318.18 €
GPU Server-n3.14d.g1-EU0114237Hours8.04134722222 €5789.77 €
GPU Server-n3.28d.g2-EU0128475Hours16.08269444444 €11579.54 €
GPU Server-n3.56d.g4-EU0156950Hours32.16540277778 €23159.09 €
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