The most widely used open source message broker
STACKIT RabbitMQ is a fully managed message broker. It is based on the open source project with the same name, is very lightweight, and supports several message protocols, message queuing, and other functions for optimal asynchronous messaging. STACKIT RabbitMQ also enables cluster operation, in order to meet high-level scaling and availability requirements.
Use cases
With STACKIT RabbitMQ, the following use cases can be realized, among others:
Operation of asynchronous messaging with different protocols
Use diverse protocols such as AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, or even HTTP and WebSockets for asynchronous messaging.
Use of message queuing and acknowledgment
Mark messages that are that are held in differed filtered waiting lists and not immediately processed as e.g. read.
Specific routing to multiple message queues
Specifically send messages to pre-defined waiting lists in order to e.g. map communication between microservices.
- STACKIT RabbitMQ enables asynchronous messaging using easily managed message queues.
- Quickly and easily create instances or clusters using the self-service user interface in the STACKIT Portal or the Cloud Foundry Marketplace.
- A service dashboard makes it easy to manage your own service instances and clusters.
- Auto-updates of components and operating system versions keep service instances, clusters, and the underlying infrastructure up to date.
- Automatisms identify and repair appearing problems with service instance, clusters, or infrastructure.
- STACKIT RabbitMQ can be easily integrated in the Cloud Foundry using the Service Broker, which enables you to securely tie the service instance or the cluster to the applications provided in the Cloud Foundry.
- The scalable message queue stores reliable communication between systems.
- Automated repairs and updates lead to a considerable reduction in your operating expenses.
- STACKIT RabbitMQ can be easily adapted to the requirements of your applications using a range of add-ons.
STACKIT Calculator
With our new STACKIT calculator, you can now calculate the costs for your individual cloud architecture easily, quickly and precisely. Within a few minutes, you will receive meaningful cost indications for over 600 different services – with no hidden costs.
Price overview
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Please visit our pricing page!
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