The sovereign cloud for the public sector
The digitalization of the public sector is picking up speed. Only a sovereign cloud made in Germany can guarantee the integrity and security of our critical infrastructure in the long term.
Digitalization of public administration and authorities

The public sector is the central component of our critical infrastructure. The challenges facing the public administration in terms of digitization are numerous: Citizens want digital administrative processes. The shortage of skilled workers does not stop at the public sector. In addition, there is a digitization backlog with a simultaneous increase in administrative expenses. The consequence: administrative efficiency must increase. And there is still a lot of potential here. In 2022, Germany was in 18th place in the EU ranking for digitization and e-government and was therefore in the lower middle field.
The course for digitization has already been set for many years: The Online Access Act (OZG), the E-Government Act and the e-file regulate the use of digital tools in public administrations. However, amidst the complex web of requirements, wishes and opportunities, there is always the question of how to meet the high compliance and security requirements in the public sector without having to compromise on the enormous potential of modern solutions. The answer: a truly data-sovereign cloud. The crux: finding a truly data-sovereign cloud. Global providers based in non-EU countries only fulfill the claim to sovereignty on paper. They are allowed to advertise with sovereignty, as the term is not protected, but cannot guarantee it due to conflicting jurisdictions – even if German or EU servers suggest this.
Sovereignty for the public sector:
In addition to the benefits of a data sovereign cloud, STACKIT offers further advantages that lead to greater independence
Mastering the digital transformation with STACKIT in the public sector
With STACKIT’s cloud, the public sector benefits from the advantages of cloud computing and data sovereignty that goes far beyond the market standard. STACKIT is already active in many fields and areas of the public sector:

Secure communication for “classified information – for official use only” – Wire on STACKIT
Wire offers an end-to-end encrypted communication platform for audio and video telephony, chat communication and secure data transmission and enables the sharing of photos, videos and documents. The messenger complies with the GDPR and the NIS2 directive and has an exclusive release recommendation for the communication of classified information from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). The messenger runs on the STACKIT Cloud and is therefore highly secure and sovereign.

Vendor lock-in excluded: Proof of “switchability” from and to STACKIT
The GovTech Campus Deutschland e.V. of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland (BMI) forms a bridge between innovative players from the tech and IT scene and the public sector. As STACKIT, we support forward-looking solutions for the federal government within this framework. The German Federal Pension Insurance (DRV Bund) initiated the “Cloud RealLabor” project at the GovTech Campus. We are currently working on the proof of “switchability” between different cloud providers using the example of BITMARCK, plusserver and our STACKIT Cloud. The proof of concept is scheduled for completion in Q4/2024 and will then have demonstrated in a specific practical case that STACKIT does not create a vendor lock-in.

Increase administrative efficiency: AI assistant – AI for public administration on STACKIT
Together with GovTech Campus Deutschland and Aleph Alpha, we are creating a platform for the AI assistant for the state administration of Baden-Württemberg. The range of functions includes: 1. summaries, 2. cabinet submission notes, 3. research assistance and 4. continuous text generation, the so-called “Vermerkomat”. Currently still a prototype, the AI assistant will be available as open source software for public administrations nationwide by the end of 2024.

Barrier-free access to the STACKIT Cloud: services available via govdigital
As part of the cloud portfolio of Business Technology Consuluting AG (BTC), we are available as a sovereign cloud to members of the cooperative of public IT service providers govdigital via the broker with minimal effort. The offering serves the German administration cloud strategy and provides access to sovereign cloud providers and hyperscalers. BTC AG was awarded the contract for four years in July 2024 as part of a tender by govdigital and enables a low-threshold entry into the cloud.
Rely on a cloud-certified partner in the public sector with STACKIT:

Opportunities of the STACKIT Cloud for the federal government’s e-government strategy
Digital sovereignty
The sovereignty of the digital infrastructure is the basis for administrative digitization. According to the IT Planning Council, digital sovereignty is “[…] the ability and opportunity of individuals and institutions to exercise their role(s) in the digital world independently, self-determinedly and securely”. Sovereignty over one’s own data plays an important role in this. A data sovereign cloud secures this data sovereignty.
Mulitcloud brokerage
The federal government pursues a multicloud approach in the public sector. This reduces risks and protects against dependencies on individual providers. To ensure a seamless transition to multicloud environments, open interfaces and strict security and transparency requirements are a prerequisite. The interoperability of different clouds is confirmed by the ability to switch. STACKIT is actively involved in a corresponding proof of concept in a GovTech Campus project.
Smart City
Smart cities use intelligent information and communication technologies to increase participation and quality of life. For example, the networking of traffic control, parking management and buildings makes a wide range of application scenarios conceivable. Smart mobility refers to the interface between technology and mobility. Cloud computing plays a decisive role here, as cloud environments score points with scalable, flexible and secure solutions, especially when it comes to very large amounts of data that must always be available in real time.
Digital security
Digital data rooms are unthinkable without appropriate security measures. Our data-sovereign infrastructure already meets a very high security standard in its basic form, as confirmed by the BSI’s C5 certification, for example. In addition, with the “Wire” messenger, we offer a secure platform for communication and the exchange of data – so secure that Wire is the only messenger to have been approved for the communication of “classified information – for official use only”. XM Cyber, also a company within the Schwarz Group’s IT and digital division, is another key component for secure data rooms: the software analyzes all vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure 24/7 from an attacker’s perspective. The leading platform for “Continuous Threat Exposure Management” (CTEM) shows how data rooms and access to them can be efficiently protected and how vulnerabilities, misconfigurations and other security gaps can be prioritized and rectified.
Open Data
Open data refers to data that can be freely used by all participants in the corresponding open data platforms. Public institutions have enormous amounts of data at their disposal. Taking into account data protection and data governance requirements, there are a variety of options for the comprehensive use of data within the administration. Cloud technology plays an important role in the provision and management of open data, as cloud environments are designed to structure very large volumes of data with complex references and reliably implement security requirements, even with a large number of stakeholders.
Open source
Open source technologies offer an approach to creating shared data spaces and open standards. On the one hand, open source contributes to the federal government’s multicloud strategy, as it increases the ability to switch between providers – a technical vendor lock-in is avoided. Open source also offers complete transparency regarding the use of data through open source codes, which eliminates residual risks in data protection. Data sovereign clouds such as the STACKIT Cloud consistently rely on open source to increase data sovereignty and ensure their users’ ability to switch.
Standardization & automation
Standardization and automation play a decisive role in increasing efficiency and improving business processes in public administration. The German Administration Cloud is an important step towards standardization by establishing common standards and open interfaces for cloud solutions. Such cloud solutions include chatbots, self-service portals and automated application processing.
Digital administrative workplace
A digital administrative workplace is part of a modern administration, enabling flexible and location-independent working and the use of innovative technologies. Efficient collaboration in hybrid settings is ensured by cloud-based collaboration tools and document storage space. AI platforms also play a role here. In the form of chatbots, these can answer citizens’ queries and support employees with routine tasks as virtual assistants. Through our collaboration on the AI assistant, we are part of the first AI assistance system of a state administration in Germany with our cloud. Thanks to our data-sovereign cloud, the solution fully complies with the high German data protection guidelines without any remaining doubts.
Online specialist procedures
ISpecialist procedures play a crucial role in the context of the OZG. They are designed to make administrative services digital and user-friendly. Cloud computing offers a scalable infrastructure that implements load changes reliably and cost-effectively. The data-sovereign infrastructure on which STACKIT is based not only protects the personal rights of those communicating, but also official files and other sensitive data.
Applications in the public sector

Our partners in the public sector

Do you have questions or would you like to realize a cloud project with us?
“Throughout my professional career, I have already been able to support regulated customers in a variety of roles in dealing with a variety of challenges. I gained valuable insights into different areas. I am happy to address your individual questions about the cloud and look forward to accompanying you on your way to the cloud.”
Gabriel Becker
Teamlead STACKIT Direct Sales